Tag Archives: Goals

When the going gets tough, the tough get writing

If your bank account is anything like mine you may find yourself making different choices about your leisure activity. The two things I like to do when stressed:

Buy and Eat. Buy to eat. Eat and then buy.  Eating is my favorite. Shopping is not a pastime for me. However, when I am stressed I start hankering for product, “Ohhh, look at the bright, shining things”. The shelves are stacked with sirens calling me to them and what to them all home.

The current limits in my bank account and the sedentary new lifestyle I have achieved prevent me from answering the call to buy and eat. The question then becomes how do I respond to the urges?

Write, write, write… is my answer. What can you write?

  1. Write down goals
  2. Begin your novel, short story,big book of ideas, poetry collection
  3. Write articles and submit them all over the place
  4. Begin a blog and discuss the news of the day
  5. Start a journal and write about private demons that torment you
  6. Write an ebook
  7. Sales copy for a client
  8. Write an ad to get a client who needs sales copy
  9. Write long letters to friends in faraway places
  10. Write on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter
  11. Create elaborate to-do lists that will take you ten years to complete
  12. Write a book for kids
  13. Create a website about writing and invite your friends

The list is endless. You could spend your days  writing a list about what you could write about.

When the going gets tough… heck you’re tough, start writing.

Using Your Journal- Create Your Dreams

Journal writing is a critic free place to work out your hopes and dreams. Once you have looked at some creative problem solving you can then begin to layout your dreams.

Brainstorm dream ideas:

Without editing or hesitation write out some dreams. Examples- I want to have a large house on the ocean.  I want a million dollar income. I want three babies. I want to publish ten books.

Look over the list and pick out a couple that resonate with you the most.  Then list a couple of action ideas you would need to take to meet those dreams.

The journal is the opportunity to let loose your dreams. There is no one to say that can’t happen or it is just stupid. Remember to turn off your own internal critic too.