Category Archives: Journaling

Writing for your life

Can you change your life by writing about it? Maybe. The beauty of writing comes from releasing emotions and learning about yourself in the process.

Release those feelings
Release those feelings

The dark side comes when writing becomes the place where dark emotions are given seed and thrive. One takes you through pain and brings you to a greater understanding of who you are. The other kind of writing leaves you wallowing in your dark misery.

Acknowledge your feelings. I have had those moments when I felt bad about my negative emotions. How nuts is that?

We all have moments when life sucks. If you are sad. Be sad. Are you pissed off? Go ahead and rage. The danger lies in burying negative feelings. Use your journal to vent those feelings that have your head spinning.

Are you angry? What is the anger about? Can you do something about it? Use a journal to work out some solutions to the feelings. As example; If you are angry about losing a job then write about it. Hate your old boss? Write it. Co-workers were mean-say it. Did you work hard and were laid off anyway? Go ahead rant and rage. Your journal is a safe place to say it all.

When circumstances seem beyond our control it helps to take some of it back. Using the job as an example, brainstorm some steps to earn cash. Outline steps to take care of yourself. Create a dream map of your perfect life.

Use your journal to work out your demons and as a rich source of creative dreaming.

Journal Writing

As a young girl my journal or diary was the place I could write down my deepest feelings. Now as an adult I still use it for that purpose. A journal is neutral. It is inanimate.A journal is not going to jump out of your hands and berate you for writing down what you think.

Use your journal to vent, rant and rage at the injustices in your life or the world. Write down your fears and concerns.  Write down the things that puzzle you. When a dear friend died I could write about how the loss was affecting me. It gave me the opportunity to vent the deep sorrow I felt.

Remember to also use your journal to brainstorm some solutions to problems, dream big dreams and express gratitude for the things you do have.