Category Archives: Goals

Class begins

Thursday was the first class of the Wild Angels Poets and Writers group. True to tradition there was a major storm that day. Despite the cold, the wind and massive amounts of rain nine people showed up to recommit to their writing.

There are folks who do well all by themselves. They are excellent self-motivators who can work hours alone and not give in to depression, sadness or defeat. I know a few people like that and I do admire them tremendously. I can spend hours alone. But I do need to come out of the cave and interact with people and get some feedback.

Where do you stand? Can you go it totally alone, or, do you need some interaction like a shot of B12 to get you energized?

I have been running the writers group for nine years. This fall begins our tenth and final year for this particular workshop. Many talented writers have come and gone over the course of the group. We have lost over five people to illnesses. The group mourns these losses. We mourn the loss of a particular poetic voice that we will never hear from again.  We have had really new writers, experienced writers, crazy writers, sweet & kind writers. We have had writers who hated everything we offered them. We have had writers who wanted us to pick them out of the crowd and make them more special then anyone else. Those writers leave in a huff, writing group emails to complain about us.

Then we have the writers who are so happy to be there. They are so happy to have a place to share their work. These are the writers who have something so profound to say it has taken them a lifetime to feel safe enough to share their work publicly.

At some point one or two of our favorite writers become the kind of writes who can work totally on their own.  The experience has given them the confidence to go off and write.

This past Thursday, while the wind and rain raged, we gathered to share work and discuss goals. Since this is our last year we are asking them to go big. Choose a huge goal and use the group as a support to achieve their dream.

No matter what kind of writer you are must develop a thick skin and keep an open heart. Choose a big goal and go for it. Take a risk today and see what happens tomorrow.

Thank you

My Chinese horoscope for 2008 gave me this rating for the year,

“37% (2 favorable, 1 neutral and 9 unfavorable months)”

I am glad I saw this at the end of the year. It was a tough year on many levels.  The challenges were many and forced me to make decisions and to take steps I might not have done as quickly.

There were a lot of fun things that showed up in the midst of everything.

I was published on for the first time. I was published in one book and mentioned as a resource in another.  I have met some fabulous people online and in person.  I have steadily increased my writing and have expanded my media empire. Also I have learned many new and fun things about the internet, social media, video, podcasting and writing.

In 2009 I will have a show on Blog Talk Radio and I am committed to publishing something substantial. I plan to implement all this learning into creating interesting things for myself and other people this year.

I did peek and 2009 promises to be better for this Rooster.  I agree.  I plan to make it a better one.