Tag Archives: wabi sabi

Writing, imperfect…


What does a tweetup have to do with writing?

Nothing and everything. Writers need inspiration. Maybe you are a writer gifted with an extraordinary imagination and can fill pages with the harvest of it. There are others, like me, that need to step out into the world for some stimulation. You know that adage, “all work and no play, makes me a dull, dull person.” My tweetup on Thursday was a twilight cruise around Manhattan co-hosted with David Mathison of Be The Media and Eva Abreu. Eva was so friendly and warm and David is the consummate host. The cruise itself was wonderful. Manhattan in the evening with all its twinkling lights is a most see sight.

After the cruise some of went for dinner near the Intrepid Museum. The water was near, the night cool, the moon was bright and the company was great. I felt rejuvenated.

I stop writing when I feel less then perfect. The desire is for a pristine piece of writing to roll out my mind fully formed and encased in leather binding. I have waited a long time and the perfect anything has not appeared. The quest for perfection can stop me from creating. In writing, as life, you must be willing to push out the really bad first draft. Everything requires editing. I picked up my Wabi-Sabi writing books to be reminded about perfection. They are the kind of books I go back to again and again for inspiration.

Wabi-Sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional. from Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers

In his book, Wabi-Sabi for Writers, Richard R. Powell summarizes it this way:

  1. A wabi sabi writer reminds readers about a beauty they have forgotten.
  2. Your writing will never be perfect or finished or lasting, but wabi sabi can make it authentic and memorable.
  3. Wabi sabi is a way of living that is unusually conducive to writing.
  4. Basho can teach us how to write from a deep and intuitive familiarity with wabi sabi beauty.

Pick up his book for some simple, non-stressful inspiration >

Wabi Sabi For Writers: Find Inspiration. Respect Imperfection. Create Peerless Beauty.

Remember the messiness of life is where we can find our greatness stories. Don’t be afraid.