Tag Archives: susan boyle

What do Miss California and Susan Boyle have in common?

First of all they were both in competitions. Carrie and Susan entered competitions hoping to win a prize. Miss Prejean did not win. The jury is still out about whether Susan will win. Neither could have known the firestorm that would erupt when they took to the stage.

Before they became public figures most of the world did know who they were. Did they intend to create controversy? No. They were both thrust into maelstrom that was created by what they said and what they looked like.

But do we know who they are? The media storm that surrounds both, forces them into becoming spokespeople for platforms they didn’t originally sign up. Susan, who is not considered traditionally beautiful, broke through that barrier and demonstrated her beauty through talent and personality. People want her to stay the same and become the model for the average looking woman.

Carrie, on the other hand is considered beautiful, and because of a question asked at a competition became the spokesperson for traditional marriage. Unlike Susan, she seems willing, at this moment, to take on that cause. But what if they change their minds?

Both Carrie and Susan will have to decide what is their true story, and what message they want to give to the world. Rick Butts, of The Stardust Factor, says to “create an authentic identity”.

It is tempting to go with the flow and become what family, friends and society say should be your identity.

At the end, going against who you really want to be, is a slow soul sucking death. When we get on our own personal stage it is up to us to tell our unique story. Don’t be the message bearer for someone else’s agenda. And remember you can change your mind as you grow, and evolve who you are.

Create Your Own Story Now!

Susan Boyle
Carrie Prejean
Carrie Prejean