Tag Archives: Spam

Comments in moderation

When I sign in to WP to create a blog post there are comments waiting to be moderated. Most often they are spam- enlarge this, shrink that, make money this way or make money in half the time it takes you to read this. Junk. There was a time when I got some decent spam. I mean it. They used obscure text as subject lines. I found myself mining them for long forgotten words or wacky twists and turns of a phrase. I never opened them. I just swiped the value I could from them before I hit spam button and sent them to spam prison.  They go to prison, right?

Spammers just don’t live up to their predecessors. It is a very disappointing turn of events.

Occasionally I ask for things and don’t get what I wanted. Someone asks me for something and I fail to respond accordingly. We have expectations that are dashed beyond hope. Then we have to figure out what to do all over again.

Sigh. Double sigh, Sighing one more time for effect. Or is it affect? Never mind.

Creation is a messy thing. It doesn’t always end up as high art. Spammers and friends disappoint with a mediocre response. A piece of writing is flat. A photo looks terrible. Like Michelangelo I chisel at a piece of stone hoping to release an angel.

Today may suck. Tomorrow may be better. Or not, but I keep chiseling. My angel needs to get out. And spammers… give me something worthwhile. I mean it.

Poetic Spam? The Quest for Inspiration

“You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some with you.”
~ Joseph Joubert, French essayist and moralist

Where do you find your inspiration? Some people pull it deep from inside them. Others glean it from life experience. Or you can find it on the side of the road. When you are ready to express your creativity how do you do it? Do you write for two hours everyday or grab your time on the bank line? Do rules govern your creativity?

“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.”
~ Bill Moyers, American journalist & television personality

Inspiration can be found anywhere if you look for it. Daily I weed through emails, separating out the friendly from the Spam. This task has frustrated, annoyed and offended me. One day while visiting the Spam folder to see if friendly mail had been sucked into the void I noticed something. The subject lines of the offensive mail had some interesting configurations of words. At first the poetry in them was not be obvious. Taking the lines and linking them together I was able to create spontaneous poetry. Thinking outside of how you view the mundane can take you into these new avenues of expression. Poetry can be found anywhere if you aren’t limited by what you think it should be. Just by looking at what before was annoying became an experiment in creativity that I might have missed.

“The world is full of poetry. – The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.”
~ James Percival, American Poet and Geologist

Found Poetry is the rearrangement of words or phrases taken randomly from other sources (example: clipped newspaper headlines, bits of advertising copy, handwritten cards pulled from a hat) in a manner that gives the rearranged words a completely new meaning.

© 2008 Sandra Lee Schubert www.writing-for-life.com

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