Tag Archives: social media

Make one million dollars online, today, right now.

Telling our stories
Telling our stories

Browsing the Twitter stream I clicked on an article someone was reading about social media charlatans in the online edition of PC World.  Let me admit this up front- I have listed myself as a social media coach on my new business card. Despite the title of this post I promise nothing in terms of money, success, media coverage in my coaching. What made me decide to create this as part of my profile? It was relatively easy. My friends kept asking me for advice. I can sit with you, outline your needs and suggest some possible sites for you. My skill is not so much that I am an expert on things, but, I am a decent facilitator of information.

The ability to point people in the right direction is a skill not to be overlooked. I would never suggest anyone could make lots of money online. Because I have not made a lot of money. There are people who seem to do quite well- I would point you towards them. Do your own research.

What I do online is make friends and talk to people. Occassionally I promote things; my show, an affiliate link or two, a product. Sometimes I post my blogs. I like being here.

I have noticed some new things about Twitter-my private messages are full of people telling me how they can help me get a lot of followers on Twitter and increase my income. Really? If you asked me right now I could not tell you have many followers I have. I could not tell you if my all followers have value or not. I automate part of my Twitter stream and then I follow people who I find interesting as I find them.

The experts may tell me I am doing it all wrong. The online and real world is full of people trying to make a living. Some of us have good intentions, others are out to make a quick buck. As always, we may be victims or victors of some one’s advice. We take our chances. I take mine.

If you are trying to figure all this stuff out then I suggest to do it slowly. Pick something to test out. Sign up for Twitter and just observe what people are saying. Jump in to the conversation when it feels right. Read blogs. Follow people if you like what they have to say. This is just common sense advice- you can find it anywhere for free.

I am no expert but I do have some people you should meet.