Tag Archives: schedules

Making Your Writing Time Sacred

In our writing class we have been discussing how to make time for our writing.  I’m guilty of putting my writing on the back burner and making time for idleness, TV, twittering, anything but my writing.

I know many people who have changed their lives to become writers and do anything but write.

What can you do?

Put writing time on your calendar. You schedule your doctor appointments, play time for your kids why not schedule writing time? Start simply- 5 minutes to start and then up it until you at least have 30 minutes of writing time a day.

Make it fun.  Writing doesn’t always have to be serious. Make it fun. Go out and observe people and create characters from what you observe. Or spend some time with a bunch of kids and make ups stories with them. Let them take the lead on the stories and see what they come up with.

Get a buddy. I have had writing buddies over the years. You pair up with a writer friend and write together.  You can give yourself exercises to do such as timed writing or writing prompts.

Get writing. Do what you can to carve out writing time even if you are just writing on the line at the bank.  Just do it.

Too Much, Not Enough

If you are like me you want to be two people. Or maybe three. There is the me that is brimming with ideas but is to tired to carry things through.  I would let the other me sleep late, eat well, exercise more often and be ready to hit the ground running when I toss over my good ideas for implementation.

But there is just this me; tired and full of good ideas.  Last night I jumped from one idea to another. I never settled on one thing that I could follow through on. Today I feel bad.

I am sure you can relate. I remember a scene in  The Devil Wears Prada when the Meryl Streep’s character bursts into the office tossing off things to do for the assistants to catch.  She could be brimming with good ideas but had the help to take the ideas into fruition. So what to do?

I am not sure. I would say the first thing is to make friends with a planner, a date book or a wall calendar. Devote a day or evening to a good idea. This way you can immerse yourself completely to the idea/project. Maybe you will discover the idea has no legs and you can put it on a back burner.

If you devoted two weeks to the idea project you may discover what really resonates with you right now.

I am going to try this. I will let you know how it goes.

What are your good ideas? How to you schedule your time?  Let me know.