Tag Archives: Full Moon

Night Visions In Morningside

After Good Friday services and dinner the full moon pulled us back to the Cathedral.
I took the photos and Patrick wrote the poem and I created the video. A fine combination of spirituality and creativity.

Night Visions In Morningside
for Sandra Lee Schubert

Your camera works like magic
as we walk this windy night
through Manhattan’s Morningside Heights.

Your lens captures night visions. Solid stone
of the cathedral on Amsterdam
flows like liquid. Angles soften
to curves. Angels blur and fly away.

You snap the moon on the sidewalk,
stuck in a tree. Your hands shake.
All its fullness, it turns out, breaks
into digital bits of bone.

Another look and the moon’s spilling
like milk across the dark table of sky.
Then, again, it dissipates,
seminal-like, through clouds.

Your instant images make me wonder:
what is real moon, real cloud,
what now real sky?

© Patrick Thomas Hammer, Jr.