Tag Archives: balance

Wild, Women, Read, Poetry

First of all, my apologies for flying in the face of collective wisdom and not updating here. Life, you know, has plans sometimes that are not my plans.

I am managing things that are doing well on one hand and awful on the other. Briefly, the terrible part is an ongoing issue with my landlord, enough said.

The good… My radio show is humming along. My last guest, Barbara Sher, was very popular and she was a fun guest.  Last night, we held our ninth annual reading for the Wild Angels Poets and Writers Group. We run workshops each year and at the end we produce an anthology, have a reading,   highlighting the readers. We had great fun last night and each reader received a angel rubber ducky.

We have plans. We have goals. We have dreams. On occasion other people’s plans, goals and dreams collide with our own. How flexible are you? Can you adjust?  My life is not going quite the way I thought it would at fifteen. I am not married, there are no kids, and my home with white picket fence is out there still. In November, I had plans that did not include getting laid off. My plans were for abundance but not financial ruin.

Each day we balance our plans against life. The balance tips in our favor some days and other times the balance is against us. Plans are not set in stone, they are malleable, and require us to be malleable too.

I have no real advice- I am just rambling- at the end of the day we do our best. Life is not a prepared script- it is an adventure that unfolds before us. Jump into the stream. It will take you one way or the other, hoot and holler all the way.