Writing for your life

Can you change your life by writing about it? Maybe. The beauty of writing comes from releasing emotions and learning about yourself in the process.

Release those feelings
Release those feelings

The dark side comes when writing becomes the place where dark emotions are given seed and thrive. One takes you through pain and brings you to a greater understanding of who you are. The other kind of writing leaves you wallowing in your dark misery.

Acknowledge your feelings. I have had those moments when I felt bad about my negative emotions. How nuts is that?

We all have moments when life sucks. If you are sad. Be sad. Are you pissed off? Go ahead and rage. The danger lies in burying negative feelings. Use your journal to vent those feelings that have your head spinning.

Are you angry? What is the anger about? Can you do something about it? Use a journal to work out some solutions to the feelings. As example; If you are angry about losing a job then write about it. Hate your old boss? Write it. Co-workers were mean-say it. Did you work hard and were laid off anyway? Go ahead rant and rage. Your journal is a safe place to say it all.

When circumstances seem beyond our control it helps to take some of it back. Using the job as an example, brainstorm some steps to earn cash. Outline steps to take care of yourself. Create a dream map of your perfect life.

Use your journal to work out your demons and as a rich source of creative dreaming.

Best Selling Author, Peggy McColl joins Wild Woman Network

I have the honor of interviewing fabulous guests on my show, Wild Woman Network: Conversations with Creative Vagabonds, Thinkers and Innovators.

Tomorrow I will interview Peggy McColl. Peggy is an expert on creating best sellers. Join us as we discuss her new book, The Won Thing

On air Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 2PM EDT

Peggy McColl, Author of The Won Thing: The “One” Secret to a Totally Fulfilling Life, 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve, Your Destiny Switch: Master Your Key Emotions, and Attract the Life of Your Dreams, Be a Dog With a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams

Peggy McColl is an internationally recognized expert in the area of destiny achievement whose purpose is to make a positive contribution to the lives of millions of others. She has been inspiring individuals, experts, professional athletes, and organizations to reach their potential for the past 25 years. She is the president and founder of Dynamic Destinies Inc., an organization committed to delivering sound principles for creating lasting and positive change.

Peggy will join us to discuss her new book, The Won Thing: The “One” Secret to a Totally Fulfilling Life