Category Archives: Inspiration

Shakespeare, the Creative Entrepreneur

Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine

In his blog The Shakespearean Guide to Entrepreneurship Mark McGuinnes outlines how William Shakespeare went from a hack for hire to a creative entrepreneur. It is a simple lesson all artists can emulate, providing a good framework for any person in a creative field.

The lovely image of writer sitting by a window looking over a lovely landscape waiting for inspiration to fly in on butterfly wings is certainly romantic but not entirely true. Some artists have the advantage of a beautiful scenery while others must find their creative juice on a subway.

Become creative about your business, as well as, your art. Take time to learn from the masters, like Shakespeare, who diversified, took chances and made a life that let him concentrate on his craft.

The 4-Hour Workweek, or How I discovered I Am a Creative Vagabond

Originally published in July 2007

The 4-Hour Workweek, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, by Timothy Ferriss is the hot, new thing to hit the marketplace.

Ferriss has created an interesting vagabond lifestyle. This book is the practical side of the Secret phenomenon. It also reminded me of all the Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie types of books I read in my twenties. You are asked to think outside of the normal way you approach your life. Ferriss asks the reader to disregard the notion of efficient living and instead to become more effective at it. You could do that by simply delegating time consuming tasks, checking your email less often and examining what are the priorities in your life. He has created his business to be automated and therefore completely mobile allowing him to have the lifestyle he wants.

The vagabond lifestyle is not for me. I am a home base, nesting kind of person. The beauty of this concept is I don’t have to be Tim Ferriss. However, I do like the idea of a mobile business that would allow me the opportunity to travel if and when I wanted. It would also allow me the time to work on the projects that require time but may not have an immediate payoff. Continue reading The 4-Hour Workweek, or How I discovered I Am a Creative Vagabond