Category Archives: Inspiration

Man on a rope

Yesterday I was pleased to see Philippe Petit perform for the crowds at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine.

He is wonderfully personable and fun just to watch. His Man on a Wire chronicles his feat of walking between the World Trade Towers. At 59, he may not walk between really tall buildings again but he can still teach us to risk and push beyond our comfort zone.

For his high wire act at the Cathedral he walked along a rope several feet and barely a man high off the ground. But one end of the rope was held by tall men from the crowd and two very tiny boys who held up the end.  It was meant to entertain not to inspire great awe. And that was fine.

It was good to see someone who has taken chances with his life and exceeded boundaries. I am all for a bit of inspiration to break me out of any restraints I create for myself.

Philippe Petit and his merry man

Step up…

 … step up, think bigger, be bolder, eliminate fear and competition, and attract money and opportunities. Ali Brown

I was talking to someone about my life and how things were falling down around me.  I mean it. Lost my job. Have health issues. There is this leak in my living room window. My favorite large bookcase broke, a shelf snapped. Now it leans dangerously against my desk supported on the other side by three file cabinets. Renovations were done in apartment upstairs and that unleashed vermin like a plague of locusts into my apartment.

She couldn’t help but laugh. It sounded like a cartoon to her. I had to agree the state of things have become absurd. As I sit at my desk each day it feels like I am in the midst of the perfect storm. Except I am the calm center of the storm. Occasionally something comes out of squall and cackles at me and I just swat it back.

There are things I am concerned about but if I were in a state of panic I could not handle problems effectively.  Ali Brown is known as the Ezine Queen building her empire on teaching people how to effectively build a business through a well crafted ezine newsletter.  She has certainly taken that piece and crafted an incredible empire for herself.  Reading her last newsletter I was struck by  how she was able to shift her mindset to reach way beyond her comfort zone.

I pulled out the statement above and have posted it over my computer. If you are crafting a business, creating art, writing your first novel it helps to be reminded of those who have gone before and succeeded.

A year from now I do think I will look back at this time as the moment I took my big steps. Where do you want to be a year from now?