Tag Archives: automated business

Virtual Book Tour

VBT Secrets “Preview Trainings”

Please mark your calendar for July 2nd and the preview call by Alex Mandossian.

That day, Alex will share why “every business is an information marketing
business” … regardless of your expertise.

Q:  “Do you own a business card?”
Q:  “Do you have a website or blog?”
Q:  “Do you maintain voice mail?”
Q:  “Do you send thank you letters?”

If  you answered YES to any of the four questions above, then you *ARE* in the info marketing business. Writers and artists must do more then create art we also must be able to market ourselves successfully.

On July 2nd, I’m inviting you to find out how to grow your info marketing
business faster, better and easier.

Here’s the access link, please click it: VBT PREVIEW CALL

Speak to you soon,

The 4-Hour Workweek, or How I discovered I Am a Creative Vagabond

Originally published in July 2007

The 4-Hour Workweek, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, by Timothy Ferriss is the hot, new thing to hit the marketplace.

Ferriss has created an interesting vagabond lifestyle. This book is the practical side of the Secret phenomenon. It also reminded me of all the Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie types of books I read in my twenties. You are asked to think outside of the normal way you approach your life. Ferriss asks the reader to disregard the notion of efficient living and instead to become more effective at it. You could do that by simply delegating time consuming tasks, checking your email less often and examining what are the priorities in your life. He has created his business to be automated and therefore completely mobile allowing him to have the lifestyle he wants.

The vagabond lifestyle is not for me. I am a home base, nesting kind of person. The beauty of this concept is I don’t have to be Tim Ferriss. However, I do like the idea of a mobile business that would allow me the opportunity to travel if and when I wanted. It would also allow me the time to work on the projects that require time but may not have an immediate payoff. Continue reading The 4-Hour Workweek, or How I discovered I Am a Creative Vagabond