Category Archives: Writing

Wild Angels Brave the Cold- Wings Don’t Freeze

The fifth class met on another bitterly cold evening. Our numbers were slim but we still managed to write, using the proprioceptive method, work-shopped our homework and managed not to have time for our in class assignment.

How does that happen? Reading and reviewing our work takes time. We had poetry that was involved and needed care to read, absorb and ponder. Joan shared about a childhood memory of food, mmm cabbage. I still love boiled potatoes and cabbage with butter and salt and pepper. Linda gave us an interesting look into how a soldier might interact with our previous president about the war.  Velma gave us a rousing piece about a group that played at the Cathedral. Bhagwan shared his take on eating strawberries at a past Wild Angels group, while I shared my Twitter poem, done in three stanzas.

I think I covered it all.  The challenge for us is to really dedicate ourselves to our writing by giving it the time and dedication it deserves.

If you are part of a group, or writing on your own you, keeping to a schedule of writing is vital. It is a muscle that must be worked constantly to build up strength, and burn fat!  Ok, the fat is a side benefit to a writing schedule.

Keep writing.

Making Your Writing Time Sacred

In our writing class we have been discussing how to make time for our writing.  I’m guilty of putting my writing on the back burner and making time for idleness, TV, twittering, anything but my writing.

I know many people who have changed their lives to become writers and do anything but write.

What can you do?

Put writing time on your calendar. You schedule your doctor appointments, play time for your kids why not schedule writing time? Start simply- 5 minutes to start and then up it until you at least have 30 minutes of writing time a day.

Make it fun.  Writing doesn’t always have to be serious. Make it fun. Go out and observe people and create characters from what you observe. Or spend some time with a bunch of kids and make ups stories with them. Let them take the lead on the stories and see what they come up with.

Get a buddy. I have had writing buddies over the years. You pair up with a writer friend and write together.  You can give yourself exercises to do such as timed writing or writing prompts.

Get writing. Do what you can to carve out writing time even if you are just writing on the line at the bank.  Just do it.