Category Archives: Wild Angels

Wild Angels Brave the Cold- Wings Don’t Freeze

The fifth class met on another bitterly cold evening. Our numbers were slim but we still managed to write, using the proprioceptive method, work-shopped our homework and managed not to have time for our in class assignment.

How does that happen? Reading and reviewing our work takes time. We had poetry that was involved and needed care to read, absorb and ponder. Joan shared about a childhood memory of food, mmm cabbage. I still love boiled potatoes and cabbage with butter and salt and pepper. Linda gave us an interesting look into how a soldier might interact with our previous president about the war.  Velma gave us a rousing piece about a group that played at the Cathedral. Bhagwan shared his take on eating strawberries at a past Wild Angels group, while I shared my Twitter poem, done in three stanzas.

I think I covered it all.  The challenge for us is to really dedicate ourselves to our writing by giving it the time and dedication it deserves.

If you are part of a group, or writing on your own you, keeping to a schedule of writing is vital. It is a muscle that must be worked constantly to build up strength, and burn fat!  Ok, the fat is a side benefit to a writing schedule.

Keep writing.

Using our voice

I posted an entry on a group blog I belong to about using your voice.

Last Tuesday I launched my Internet radio show- Wild Woman Network, radio for Creative Vagabonds, thinkers and innovators, on Blog Talk Radio. This Tuesday Kathleen will join me for a conversation. The show is live and plays over the Internet and you will need to have a Blog Talk Radio account to talk in the chat room. The show is Tuesday’s at 2PM est. Please join me as I chat with Kathleen. Click here to visit the show page.

If you miss the show you can get it will be archived and you can listen to it anytime.