Category Archives: Life Story

Your Life Story, now, tomorrow, 2010

The holidays are almost over. Did you enjoy them? Did they fulfill every thing? Many of us have idealized images of the holidays. We have the picture postcard one. You know the one with happy smiling faces of family surrounding the perfectly cooked turkey. There is the tree, perfectly lit in the background, with presents, well wrapped beneath it. Are own families may not fit this image. The turkey is dry,the kids bicker, and you know who is drinking a bit more wine then they should.

When we look back at our lives we can be tempted to color in the shades we want and not look at the ones we have. Writing our life stories ask they we look at our past with a clear eye. It doesn’t have to be pretty, it should be authentic.

Have you decided to write your life story? Start now. Face it squarely and peer into the darkness.

Remember to rememeber

Christmas day dinner
Christmas day dinner

What is your favorite holiday story? Do you have one?

When creating your life story you may have to dive deep into past memories to unearth the gems. Family photos are a good way to jog your memory of past experiences. Don’t be afraid of the less then pleasant memories. We all have stories of arguments, badly cooked meals and the presents gone really wrong. The good and bad experiences make up a life story.

My fond memory is waking up in the morning to a tree full of gifts underneath. My mom had to raise my sister and I after my father passed away. I am not sure how she managed the shopping, hiding the presents and all the wrapping that took place in our tiny railroad flat apartment. Nonetheless, we had a lovely tree, lots of gifts and ate a great breakfast on Christmas morning.

Each Christmas was so very special and it is the thing I miss most now as an adult.

When creating your life story you may not recall the precise details of each event. You don’t need every detail sometimes a broad stroke will be enough to convey the meaning of the memory for you.

Start small. Pick a holiday photo and just write every thing you remember about the people, day and event surrounding the photo.  As example you may have a photo with you and your brother around the tree but what people don’t know is your brother is pulling you hair behind your back. Or that right after the photo your brother fell back and the tree tipped over. Did you fight? Did you laugh? Try to recall as much as you can and do worry about the precise details. Start writing and let the memories flow.

Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own