Category Archives: How-To

What Good are Intentions?

What have you been doing?
What have you been doing?

This is the full disclosure of my complete and utter failure and as a web maven. Or, my failure at keeping a calendar. I don’t know. It has all gone completely wrong. My skill as a leader is reduced to “do as I say, not as I do”.  Sigh. OK, I am almost done with beating my back with the silken whip of things I could do better.

I was on an IM chat with the head guy at a major articles site. I really like his site and I let him know. So far so good. But then he comes back w. an IM that has my account. “This is you”, he asks? Yes, I brightly reply. This is getting good. Then he says, “You have not posted an article in four months. Why?” Gulp. Oh no, This is going downhill fast. I went through twelve years of Catholic school and when a nun confronted you with a direct question- you withered.  What can you say?

I had to admit to this big articles site guy that I was just lazy and inconsistent. Really what other excuse can you give when the evidence is right in front of you? I mean I haven’t been writing a book, or been painting up a storm. I have a new radio show but that does not take up all my time. Consistency is the key to it all. Set up a calendar, create a system, get a buddy to keep you on track. Yet, knowing this, I have still not done it.

I can’t give you good advice right now. I have to huddle with myself. What ever you do- don’t do what I have done.

The long and whiney road…

I am plagued by little illnesses. Nothing really serious just little things that may ruin me for a day or two. I am also plagued by too much whine. These little whines keep me from being effective. I have been hit and miss in accomplishing all that I would like to do.

What would I say to my clients? First, I would ask what could be delegated? There are a million things to do in creating a life and a business. If you work alone it may be impossible to do everything by yourself. What can you outsource? Me? I am looking for someone to manage my aweber account. It is important to be in touch with your list and I have not done that at all.  (I know, I know) The learning curve be huge if you are not a complete techie.

I would ask about my client’s health plan. Do you have one? I don’t. (Its getting bad) When I was working I was out and walking every day. Now I seat at the computer and not move or even leave the house.  Not so good. Humans need to move. Oxygen helps in clear thinking.

How about community? Are you engaging with people in a fun way? You know “all work and no play….”.

My long and whiney road is littered with signposts letting me know the things I need to pay attention to in life.

What are your signposts?