Category Archives: books

Best Selling Author, Peggy McColl joins Wild Woman Network

I have the honor of interviewing fabulous guests on my show, Wild Woman Network: Conversations with Creative Vagabonds, Thinkers and Innovators.

Tomorrow I will interview Peggy McColl. Peggy is an expert on creating best sellers. Join us as we discuss her new book, The Won Thing

On air Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 2PM EDT

Peggy McColl, Author of The Won Thing: The “One” Secret to a Totally Fulfilling Life, 21 Distinctions of Wealth: Attract the Abundance You Deserve, Your Destiny Switch: Master Your Key Emotions, and Attract the Life of Your Dreams, Be a Dog With a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams

Peggy McColl is an internationally recognized expert in the area of destiny achievement whose purpose is to make a positive contribution to the lives of millions of others. She has been inspiring individuals, experts, professional athletes, and organizations to reach their potential for the past 25 years. She is the president and founder of Dynamic Destinies Inc., an organization committed to delivering sound principles for creating lasting and positive change.

Peggy will join us to discuss her new book, The Won Thing: The “One” Secret to a Totally Fulfilling Life