Category Archives: Voice

What a Week!

This has been one heck of a week. I took photos and videos of my day of election coverage.  Not all of it. At some point I put down the camera and just absorbed.

My day job was unusually busy. Each night I was in bed after midnight.  I am tired. Yet I feel energized, excited with the tension of the campaign gone, the tension at work relieved.

All over the place people are sharing their stories about this past week.

If you are interested in telling your election story go here it is a site provided by the upcoming administration.

I have a new article at ezinearticles on Urban Spirituality.

Read this. . .

Here is a link to a Reader’s Digest article with John Updike. Below is a sampling.  I aspire to the multiple writing rooms. I would like to start with a room with a view.

Q: Ever suffer from writer’s block?

A: Every day there’s a struggle. I think, Is this worth doing? Am I doing it well? Then there’s the gratuitousness of writing fiction–of writing about people who don’t exist. But there are many privileges in a freelance, self-employed life. Writing every day is a small price.

Q: Give us a tour of the three desks you have at home.

A: We moved into an old summer-house built on a patrician scale. I took the maids’ quarters, above the kitchen-four small rooms plus a bath. In the room with a wooden desk and a typewriter, I write mail. In the room with a steel desk and a view of the sea, I read proofs and write by hand. A third room has a white desk and a computer for final drafts and longer letters. And the fourth, where I read, has an easy chair.