Category Archives: Book Review

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Don Miller's book

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life

I just finished reading this book after getting the water logged version in the mail. I enjoyed it. Don Miller has a wonderful self-effacing way about his writing. You can imagine him as real and not a fictional Don Trying to create his life. Its a journey. One that takes us through his life and the telling of it in a movie and the telling of it as he lives his life and recreates it. Its also a treatise on the art of writing a good story. In fact the chapters are laid out in a formula for creating a good one. I wanted to be on this journey with him- that is a good thing.

But importantly as he grows the reader is given the chance to grow with him. We can ask the same questions along with him about what makes a good tale and a good life. But not only that if the story is not a good one we can change it. We can live into this better story through developed plot twists that I can create in the telling of who I am. As an example, Miller tells of his friend and his teenage daughter. She is dating someone that he doesn’t like and had just been caught with pot. The father is lamenting all of this when Don tells him his daughter is not living a very good story. The father goes home to think about this and comes to realize he hadn’t provided a better role for her so she just picked a story that had some fun in it. There was risk, rebellion, adventure and independence. The father says, “She was just choosing the best story available to her.” You have to read the book to find out how the father creates a better story for her. I dare to say if you have children you might want to read the book for that piece of information.

Miller goes on to tell us how he began to tell a better story for himself. One that challenged him to do and become a better person. He didn’t sell his possessions and moved himself to a mountaintop, rather he used the elements of good storytelling to shift his character (himself) away from his average life to one that had a little spark in it. He added new stories along the way and began to shift his life in a big way.

This book has been making the rounds and everyone is talking about it. The book is part screen-writing, part storytelling, mixed in with self help and a little redemption at the end. By the final chapter there is so much that you learn about yourself, and the author, that you can’t help but feel the potential to change your own life. Just begin to tell a better story about who you are in this world.

What would you change in your life story if you could?

Please help with a book project for a client by filling out this survey. What is death?

Final Thoughts on BEA 09

Book Promotion BEA Style 09
Book Promotion BEA Style 09

It is amazing how much there is to write about one expo. I know that I didn’t use BEA to my best advantage.  Going in I was not certain how I wanted to represent myself.  Did I want to be press, author or publisher? All of these are hats I wear in one way or the other. But press was my easiest access into the Expo and it allowed me freedom in meeting authors and chatting with publishers. I do want my version of a media empire. Given the tools offered now this vision is entirely possible. I consider myself a creative person with multiple interests.

There are many writers I know who don’t have one clue about the publishing world. They fully believe they will be discovered at the counter of a soda fountain, sipping a shake, with their novel in their back pocket. They can’t use the computer, email or up/download anything. They don’t know a blog from a cog in a wheel. Never mind tools like Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin.  They will dutifully write and wish for publication and never submit somewhere because the can’t use the Internet.

I understand there are people who operate successfully off the grid. They are happy people and will never read this post. But, if a writer wants publication in the mainstream world now is the time to get a grasp on some basic technology and learn to upload a manuscript and see what the world has to say about your work.

Sandra & David - Be The Media
Sandra & David - Be The Media

Which brings me back to BEA and meeting one of the guests on my radio show. David Mathison has a wonderful self-published book called, Be The Media: How to Create and Accelerate Your Message…Your Way.  It is over 500 pages long and full of information for every kind of artist, musician, writer, filmmaker….

Be the Media is for anyone who wants to harness technology to spread his or her message or products inexpensively, whether to a global or a local audience. David Mathison

There is a lot of information in this book. GET IT NOW. Especially if you want to build your empire strategically and successfully. You want people, like David, on your side. You want to follow and read about people like Gary Vaynerchuk and Chris Brogan who have real value to offer you.

Unless you have a patron, creating is the first step, and then doing the promotional hustle is necessary to succeed. If someone told you creating is easy- they were lying. I don’t know of anyone who finds writing a book, painting a portrait, or any other creative act, a walk in the park. It can be fun, exciting, thrilling, gut-wrenching and damn scary, but it’s work. Creating, in any form, will kick you out of bed in the morning, drive you to drink a little, and make your heart beat a bit faster.

Here is my interview with David: